Analyze influencer statistics & audience demographics.

Analyze influencer’s performance metrics on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch and more. Make data-based decisions.

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* These influencers are not our regular partners. If you wish to work with them, we can arrange a working agreement for you

Who we’ve worked with

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In walks DealCracker

We put you in front of brands (from startups to Fortune 100 companies) in hopes to create magical opportunities for collaboration. Here’s how DealCracker works for you:

Work with the best influencers

_Access performance metrics for Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Twitch, and Twitter. Get in-depth influencer analysis on engagement rates, average comments and likes, average views, and more.

_View recent posts, get insights into posting habits so you know when an influencer is most active, and see how their engagements have evolved over time.

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Reach your target audience

_Choosing the right content creators is important, but choosing influencers that speak to your target audience even more!

_Analyze an influencer’s audience demographics including age, gender, and location. Check audience realness to ensure an authentic audience and avoid spending those ad dollars on fake followers.

Stay true to your brand values

_See which brands influencers have collaborated with in the past and stop wasting time reaching out to influencers already working with your competitors or who don’t align with your brand values.

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You’re not a side-hustler. You’re an entrepreneur.

We’re currently in the process of rolling out our app, which will allow you to review brand deals all from your phone, access tax support and even enroll in health insurance. You’re not a side-hustler. You’re an entrepreneur. You should be treated as such.

Ready to create
some magic?

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